Frequent flash floods at a forest stream located on the Tamil Nadu – Karnataka border leave the people of Kuttaiyur village in Bargur panchayat in Anthiyur Taluk stranded who wanted a high level bridge to be constructed so that the perennial problem is solved.
The village has a population of 450 and is located 27 km away from Kadambur. The nearest habitation in Tamil Nadu side is Makkampalayam in Koothampalayam panchayat in Sathyamangalam taluk that is located five km away. People depend on the only pickup van from their village to reach Makkampalayam and board the TNSTC bus that is operated up to Kadambur.
Since they have to spend ₹ 30 per person for a trip and only two bus services are available everyday to Kadambur, they cross the stream located 750 metre away from their village to reach Karnataka. They board a bus to reach Jallipalayam that is located five km from the border for purchasing essential commodities, fertilizers and to reach hospitals. Also, to reach Anthiyur Taluk Office that is located 83 km from their village, they cross the stream and board a bus and travel 29 km on roads in Karnataka and 54 km on roads in Tamil Nadu.
During the rainy season in November and December every year, frequent flash floods occur in the stream leaving them stranded. “When the stream is at spate, they cannot go to shops or to hospitals”, said a teacher in the village that has a Government Tribal Residential School from Classes from I to VIII. The village has no mobile connectivity.
Villagers wanted a high-level bridge to be constructed across the stream so that they can reach Jallipalayam for fulfilling their needs. “We depend entirely on Karnataka and the bridge would bring a new leash of life for all”, they added. They also wanted their village to be brought under Koothampalayam Panchayat so that basic amenities in their village could be improved.
Published - December 05, 2021 12:00 am IST