The teaser of the Malayalam series Masterpeace is out. The series stars Nithya Menen and Sharaf U Dheen. Directed by Sreejith N, Masterpeace will stream on Disney+Hotstar soon.
The series is a chaotic drama involving a couple, essayed by Nithya and Sharaf U Dheen. Masterpeace is a comedy drama with the makers calling it the “the great Indian family trauma.” Shreejith N had last directed Oru Thekkan Thallu Case starring Biju Menon, Padmapriya and Nimisha Sajayan.
ALSO READ:‘Oru Thekkan Thallu Case’ movie review: Punching below it’s weight
Renji Panicker, Maala Parvathi, Shanthi Krishna, and Asokan form the rest of the cast. While Praveen S has written the screenplay, Aslam K Purayil has done the cinematography. Bijibal has composed the music.