Veteran actor Anupam Kher’s upcoming directorial Tanvi The Great will have music by Oscar-winning music director MM Keeravani. On Monday, Kher took to Instagram and shared this update. “I am thrilled to be a part of Tanvi The Great. Collaborating with Anupam Kher is like being yourself all the time. Work was never this much fun before,” he said.
M.M Keeravani is a recipient of the Oscar and Golden Globe award for the Naatu Naatu song and many more acclaimed awards under his name. Kher made his directorial debut with the 2002 film Om Jai Jagadish starring Anil Kapoor, Fardeen Khan and Abhishek Bachchan.
On the acting front, Kher will be seen in the upcoming movie Vijay 69. Created under the banner YRF Entertainment, Vijay 69 will narrate the life of a sexagenarian man, played by Kher, who decides to compete in a triathlon contest at the age of 69.
ALSO READ:I feel I have another 20 years of work: Anupam Kher
The film is being directed by Akshay Roy, who has previously directed Meri Pyaari Bindu. He has also worked on acclaimed films like Mira Nair’s The Namesake, Aamir Khan’s directorial debut Taare Zameen Par and Deepa Mehta’s Water as an assistant director. Maneesh Sharma is producing the film. Kher also has Emergency and Signature in his kitty.
Published - March 18, 2024 01:30 pm IST