Kannada film Kabzaa, directed by R Chandru and starring Upendra and Kiccha Sudeep, saw a pan-Indian release earlier this year. The film was said to be a two-parter and the makers have now officially announced the second part of the film.
At the success meet of Kabzaa, Chandru, who has also produced the film, under Siddheshwara Enterprises, confirmed the sequel. A title look poster of Kabzaa 2, was unveiled by politicians H M Revanna and Ramachandra Gowda. The latter will also be a part of the film as a producer of the project, which will be presented by KP Sreekanth.
Kabzaa 2 will star Upendra, Sudeep, and Shivarajkumar. According to reports the team is planning on roping in more actors from Bollywood and the southern film industries for the sequel.
Published - April 15, 2023 06:13 pm IST