• Shooting your own videos at home may sound intimidating but it is the new norm. With many people on a budget these days, here are some shooting techniques that will up your film-game.
  • Shoot in raw format: Make sure you adjust the settings in your smartphone so it shoots in raw. When you film in good lighting, details and nuance get picked up well in this format. The file size will be bigger so make sure you have enough storage.
  • Levels, maximised: Do not feel discouraged if you do not have a tripod. Before the tripod, there were equally stable amenities such as stacks of books and furniture.
  • Hear, hear: No one is going to judge you if you use wired earphones with an embedded mic. Earbuds are equally good but make sure they are charged to 100% .
  • Timing is everything: Shooting in the morning is ideal; light should be in front of you, not behind you or above you. The proverbial ‘golden hour’ is also quite flattering but make sure you have enough time to shoot within this limited time window.