A spirited and colourful campaign for the Lok Sabha polls has ended in Tamil Nadu. Four political formations are looking forward for a share in the electoral pie after the votes are counted on June 4. Tamil Nadu goes to vote in a single phase on April 19.
The State has the two major Dravidian parties – the DMK and AIADMK, the two national parties – the Congress and BJP and an assortment of smaller parties representing different interests. In the Lok Sabha polls of 2019, the DMK swept 38 of the 39 seats, with Theni the lone seat going to the AIADMK in southern Tamil Nadu.
What does the electoral landscape look like in Tamil Nadu? Which are the regions and districts where the political parties have more clout? Who are the prominent leaders to look out for in each party?
Note: This video was produced as part of the report ‘How does the Tamil Nadu electoral map look like’ published in The Hindu portal on April 17, 2024.
Presentation: D. Suresh Kumar
Video: Thamodharan B
Production: Shibu Narayan