A day after the verdict the Shiv Sena, which clearly had misread the writing on the wall by pushing the BJP to walk out of the alliance over disagreement on seat sharing, got professorial goading voters to ponder over what they have done in the election.
“Without blaming the people, we want to ask them whether they are happy with the verdict they have given. Are they satisfied? Defeat never made us weak and victory never made us hysterical. But we feel sad as our Maharashtra is once again in the middle of instability and anarchy,” an editorial in the party mouthpiece Saamna said waxing eloquently.
At the same time the Sena kept a door open for its re-union with the BJP by saying that it welcomed all those who want to claim victory. The party which berated the BJP throughout the campaign as a back-stabber since the voting day changed tune saying that all is fair in love and war.
While extending greetings to the winning party, without naming anyone, the editorial taunted the BJP failure to get mandate for the dream of united Maharashtra means that such results will turn out futile.
The BJP has already made it clear that it is in favour of separate statehood for Vidarbha, while the Sena is opposing it.
Significantly, the editorial contended that Sena-BJP break-up has benefited the Congress and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). “As the BJP gained from four – five corner battles in the state, the biggest beneficiaries have been the Congress and the NCP. Otherwise they could not have won even 25 seats,” said the editorial.
The Sena mouthpiece said that the lone battle fought by the party, with the BJP powerhouse on one side and the Congress-NCP on the other, is commendable. “We fought against the power, money and muscle power and reached here,” it said.
It said that the party will continue to work for the state humbled in front of the people’s verdict. “It was the god’s will and let’s sees what happens tomorrow”.
A banner headline on top of the masthead of Samna screamed, `Maharashtra Avastha naa thula, naa mala’(fate of Maharashtra neither to you, nor to me).
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