• Rapha English: An online platform that teaches communicative English, using games to test and improve users. It is focussed on conversation styles and pronunciation.
  • Details: raphaenglish.com
  • I Love 9 Months app: A maternity wellness app that offers women fitness advice and services, including home-visits by birth companions or doulas.
  • Nyokas Technologies: Focussed on personal safety products, Nyokas has developed the prototype for an intelligent textile that repels unwanted physical contact by conducting a mild shock, while its software can call the police for help.
  • Details: gust.com/companies/nyokas-technologies
  • Instio: A guest experience management system aimed at improving the feedback & response systems used in the hospitality industry. It helps management teams listen to customers in real-time, and derive actionable insights. Details: instio.co