Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) chief N. Srinivasan on Friday said he would contest the election for Board president at Sunday’s Annual General Body meeting here. He is seeking an extended one-year term at the end of his regular two-year tenure as the Board chief.
Unfazed by Friday’s Supreme Court ruling that prohibits him from taking charge as president as long as it is hearing the case related to him and the Board, Mr. Srinivasan pointed out that the apex court had not stopped him from standing in the election.
South Zone's turn
Despite reports of Goa not going with it, the N. Srinivasan camp is confident of all the six State associations in the South Zone voting for the same man at the Board’s annual general body meeting here on Sunday.
This is South Zone’s turn and for any member to contest against Srinivasan, a State association from the south has to propose his name and another has to second it. Saturday (till 6 p.m.) is the deadline for filing nominations.
Asked about the Supreme Court ruling that prohibits Srinivasan from taking charge as president, in the event of him winning, till it hears cases against him and the Board, a close associate of the BCCI chief said he was hopeful that the apex court would give its judgment next Monday, when the case comes up for hearing, or at least during the course of the week.
The indications are that there will be no interim president if Srinivasan wins. Reliable sources say the BCCI secretary, freshly elected, has the powers to look after the day-to-day functioning of the Board if required.
This also means Jagmohan Dalmiya will not continue as the stand-in president. The scenario, said a source, was different when Dalmiya came in.
There were two sudden resignations, of the BCCI secretary and its treasurer, and the presence of a stand-in chief was required.
Dalmiya could now be made the Indian Premier League (IPL) chief.
Given the brief three-day gap between the SGM, called to expel Lalit Modi, and the AGM, some members have stayed in the city or journeyed home, many have travelled to Tirupati and a few of them have holidayed in Mahabalipuram. A source close to Srinivasan said nobody had control over where the members travelled during their free time.
Published - September 27, 2013 05:48 pm IST