Chief Minister on Monday announced an additional solatium of Rs. 5 lakh each to the families of four Tamil Nadu workers who died in the Moulivakkam building collapse.
This would be in addition to Rs. 2 lakh each given to the families, according to a statement issued by the Chief Minister.
On Sunday, the Andhra Pradesh government announced that the kin of deceased workers who hailed from the neighbouring State would be paid an assistance of Rs. 5 lakh.
Sixteen persons died and the injured 22 were undergoing treatment, the release added.
“Four of the victims in this unfortunate incident belong to Tamil Nadu. Besides the Rs. two lakh announced earlier to their families, another Rs. 5 lakh will be given from the Chief Minister’s General Relief Fund” taking the total to Rs. 7 lakh, she said in a statement in Chennai.
Published - June 30, 2014 12:53 pm IST