The BJP national vice president Bandaru Dattatreya said on Saturday that the BJP did not favour Union territory status for Hyderabad on formation of the Telangana State.
Addressing a press conference in Thiruvananthapuram, the vice president said that the party was also not in favour of including more than 10 districts in the proposed State.
Criticising the indecision of the Congress on the Telangana issue, Mr. Dattatreya said that a Bill for formation of the State should be brought before the Parliament for discussion.
He said that the national scenario was fast changing in favour of the BJP and the image of Narendra Modi was gaining ground. The Congress had no vision and Rahul Gandhi was unable to take any initiative. Congress had more scams to deal with than welfare programmes.
He said that prima facie a case had been established against the Chief Minister’s Office and personal staff in Kerala. Chief Minister Oommen Chandy was trying to stick to power by pleasing the high command and coalition partners. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi herself was protecting Mr. Chandy.
Published - July 27, 2013 06:54 pm IST