The Lok Sabha on Wednesday passed the Appropriation (No.2) Bill-2019 allowing the Union government to withdraw ₹98.18 lakh crore from the Consolidated Fund of India to meet its expenditure during 2019-20.
The Bill, moved by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, was passed by a voice vote after the House approved demands for grants for several Ministries which were collectively put to vote and passed by applying guillotine.
Earlier in the day, the Lok Sabha discussed demands for grants for the Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry. Minister of State Kiren Rijiju said talks were on with the corporate sector to collaborate for the development of youth and sports.
“We are bringing in changes that will allow early selection of players from across the country, good coaching facilities, adequate nutritional support and regular checks of sports facilities. We hope that in the upcoming international games, India will better its medal tally,” Mr. Rijiju said.
He said that his Ministry aimed to support players and not control them.
The House also discussed demands for grants of various Ministries, including rural development, agriculture and farmers’ welfare, railways, and road transport and highways.
The government in February had came out with an interim Budget.
Now with the passage of the Appropriation bill No. 2, the government has sought the approval of the Lok Sabha for expenses for this entire financial year.
Published - July 17, 2019 07:33 pm IST