The Journey of Pregnancy to Childbirth

Updated - April 25, 2024 07:28 am IST

Published - April 23, 2024 12:19 pm IST

Pregnancy is one of the most challenging journeys of your life. It’s important to understand and prepare for the journey rather than fearing it.

  • A well-planned pregnancy is ideal. It’s important to plan pregnancy when the parents are mentally, physically prepared for it.
  • Folic acid is a vitamin that prevents birth defects like spina bifida.
  • Folic acid supplements are suggested to be started 3 months prior to conception and to be continued till the 12th week of pregnancy.
  • Folic acid occurs naturally in foods like spinach and other green leafy vegetables, sprouts, broccoli, green beans.
  • Vitamin D is needed for fetal growth and maternal well-being Spend about 30 minutes in the open to get adequate sun exposure, which builds natural Vitamin D. If you have deficiency, consider taking supplements.
  • Weight- If you are overweight, try to lose some weight as this may lead to not only difficulty in conceiving, but can also create problems during pregnancy like Diabetes, Hypertension etc.
  • Healthy diet and Exercise are essential for easy conception and for an uncomplicated pregnancy.
  • Timed Intercourse-
  1. If regular cycles-Alternate days during fertile window (Day10-16 of the period)
  2. If irregular cycles- 2-3 times per week
  3. Can consider ovulation tracking strips.
  • Infections- check for your immunity to infections like chicken pox, Rubella, as these infections in pregnancy can lead to birth defects. It is possible to vaccinate against them prior to conception.
  • Medical conditions- If you are on treatment for any medical condition like Diabetes, Epilepsy, mental health issues, etc., please visit the doctor prior to planning pregnancy.
  • Genetic problems- If married to your cousin or a close relative (Consanguineous marriage), consider genetic counselling.

Prior testing can help reassure you and can help prevent problems.


First Trimester(1-14weeks)

Congratulations! You are about to be a mother!!

First trimester (up to 12 weeks) is when your baby s structure is formed.


Folic acid supplements are essential during this time. Continue the medication if already on it or start now. The doctor will decide based on your health whether you need any further treatment.

An ultrasound done usually between 6-8 weeks confirms the presence and well-being of the pregnancy, a further detailed assessment with screening for chromosomal abnormalities like down’s syndrome, is offered at 11-13 weeks.

Blood tests are advised to ensure maternal well-being and to correct any problems as early as possible.


Diet- A healthy diet should include.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables - for vitamins, minerals and plenty of fiber
  • Protein – Eggs, Pulses (Dal, rajma, Chana), meat, fish
  • Calcium – Dairy products (Paneer, yoghurt, milk)
  • Iron – eggs, green vegetables, meat
  • Whole grains

Limit –

  • Carbohydrates like Rice, wheat, Potatoes
  • Oil, Sweets, Juices, Caffeine, processed food, red meat, River fish



  • Active or Passive smoking
  • Alcohol, Recreational Drugs
  • Stress
  • Self-medication.

Exercise – 30-45 minutes of mild to moderate intensity exercises like walking and swimming are proven to be safe in an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Symptoms- Breast tenderness, Nausea, Tiredness, Aversion to certain food and smells, Mood changes

Morning sickness and fatigue are most common symptoms between 7-12 weeks. Natural remedies like Ginger, eating small quantities frequently, sipping fluids regularly, helps. In case of significant vomitings, visit the doctor for medication.


Your appointments with doctor are once a month.

Second Trimester (14-27 weeks)

Baby bump starts showing up now. You start feeling the baby’s movements between 16-19 weeks. Maternal weight gain starts at about 1-2 kgs/month so that total pregnancy weight gain is about 11-14kgs.

Anomaly scan or TIFFA scan is the detailed assessment of fetal structure, done between 19-21 weeks. Cervical assessment is done as a screening for risk of preterm labor.

Third and final Trimester(28-40weeks)

Time for more frequent checkups and screening for fetal growth and well-being.

Common discomforts in late pregnancy include:

Heart burn, Backpain, shortness of breath, Difficulty to sleep, frequent urination. Your obstetrician can help you deal with these discomforts.

Time to discuss the birth plan with the couple.

Good preparation, child birth preparation classes can optimize the experience of childbirth, by learning coping strategies, and discussing expectations and anxiety about the birth experience, pain relief methods.

Wishing the would-be parents, a safe pregnancy and childbirth journey.


Senior Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fetal Medicine Specialist

BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals, Kondapur, Hyderabad

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