Actor Mohanlal on Saturday (August 31, 2024) said he was not part of any power group in the Malayalam film industry and he has no knowledge of the existence of any such group in the sector. He said Malayalam cinema is a huge industry where thousands of people work and the actors’s association AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) could not address issues that cropped up there.
He said the executive panel of the Association headed by him resigned recently in the wake of allegations being raised against it after the release of the report by Justice Hema Committee.
It was for the first time that Mohanlal, former president of AMMA, was addressing the media following the release of the expert panel report which shed light on the alleged harassment and exploitation of women professionals in the Malayalam film industry. He said the Government’s move to release the report was a good decision.
Published - August 31, 2024 11:20 pm IST