The South India Rally, a round of the 2021 Indian National Rally Championship, scheduled for April 23-25, has been postponed in the wake of fresh government restrictions due to the rising number of COVID-19 virus cases, organisers Madras Motor Sports Club announced here on Monday.
The tentative fresh dates for the event, promoted by Champions Yacht Club, and which doubled up as a round of the FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship, will be from June 25 to 27.
The South India Rally had attracted a record 70 entries of which 21 were women crews.
Chairman of the event and MMSC vice-president Vicky Chandhok said, “Much as the sport is always our priority, we are very concerned about the huge spike in COVID-19 cases in recent days.
"With an all-time record of 70 entries, of which 21 were women the enthusiasm for the sport has also spiked and is at its peak! But after discussions with promoter Vamcy Merla who had put in massive efforts, we decided to postpone the South India Rally keeping in mind the safety and health of those involved in the event,” added Chandhok.
Published - April 19, 2021 10:24 pm IST