• Open up. Talk to your family or a trusted friend first. If you find that difficult, approach a qualified psychologist. There’s no shame in talking because it is essential for the professional to determine if you are only lonely or you have underlying symptoms of anxiety or depression that often go unnoticed.
  • Be self-aware. Notice your emotions and feelings and how you respond to adverse situations. If you often feel overburdened and your emotions are interfering in your daily activities, it is time to be concerned.
  • Build a strong support system both at home and at your workplace.
  • Prioritise quality and non-toxic face-to-face interaction over virtual communication. Invest in your family and children.
  • Adopt healthy lifestyle practices (eating right, exercising, cutting out smoking) and discipline your social media usage.
  • (Inputs from Dr Venkatesh Babu and Dr Vijay Mehtry)