Pillai Perumal Kavi’s Ashta Prabhandham narrates stories of the child Krishna stealing butter, and also records one other instance. The child Krishna, attracted to elaichi-flavoured milk in a house, tries to steal it and is caught in the act. The gopi picks a cane and hits Him. However, the pain of the blow was felt by her and all the other sentient and non-sentient beings right up to Brahma. This incident has deep philosophical significance and practical application, said Thirukkudanthai Dr. Venkatesh.
Why is a blow delivered on Krishna felt by all ? Acharyas say the entire universe is the body of Bhagavan as He pervades everything. Jivatmas are also His body. If He is hit, then every thing in the universe will naturally feel the pain. This truth reverberates through many Holy scriptures. Brahdharanyaka Upanishad says Yasya atma sareeram. The Ramayana says Jagad sarvam sareeram te. Vishnu Puranam says Taani Sarvaani tatvapuhu. Manu smiriti says manu sobhidhyaaya sareerat svat. Acharyan Nammazhwar says, udal misai uyiryena karandhu engum parandhulla. The central theme in all of the above is that jivatmas are all part of Paramatma. Is this philosophy applicable to practical life? Yes, If we understand that we are all Bhagavan’s body and God is within you and within me, then we will comprehend the modern day concept of universal brotherhood, a concept advocated in the Vedas. The joys and sorrows of one jivatma should be felt by all jivatmas. Similar to how one part of our body does not wish to harm another part, no jivatma should harm another jivatma, as God is within us as well. When we see a string of beads, we do not see the thread, similarly, God is invisible but he is the thread connecting all of us.
Published - September 11, 2024 03:56 am IST