WhatsApp users might get a new feature that is reportedly going to allow them to share media files without the internet. It would be on lines of Apple’s AirDrop or Google’s Nearby Share.
This feature was spotted by WABetaInfo in January for Android this year but the Meta-owned instant messaging platform has not rolled or confirmed anything till date.
Now, it is being said by the portal that this could also be coming to iOS devices as well. The beta of it is reportedly available on TestFlight saying ‘Nearby Share’.
It is speculated that this new feature will allow users to share photos, videos or document end-to-end encrypted without the need of any active data pack. But the process might differ on Android and iOS.
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For Apple-owned devices, it might use a QR code to perform this task.
Currently, WhatsApp allows 2GB file transfer on internet. This can be beneficial in situations where users need to send or receive heavier files. But, having said that, it could happen in a close proximity.
Published - July 24, 2024 05:09 pm IST