Samsung has confirmed that they will be releasing a XR headset later this year. Towards the end of the event, Rick Osterloh, SVP of Platforms and Devices at Google shared that their efforts in collaboration with Samsung and Qualcomm to build a new headset were underway.
“Looking forward, we’re collaborating to bring next-generation experiences across Galaxy products from smartphones and wearables to even future technologies like the upcoming XR platform we’ve been working closely to develop in partnership with Samsung and Qualcomm,” Osterloh said.
Soon after Osterloh left, TM Roh, President of Samsung’s Mobile Division reaffirmed that a “new XR platform is coming later this year.”
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Early reports from a local South Korean outlet had suggested that the launch had been pushed so they could build a device on par with the Apple Vision Pro that came out last year. Samsung had reportedly commissioned for higher-res screens to match the display specs of the spatial headset.
The device is also rumoured to feature a microOLED display, eight tracking cameras, a ToF (Time-of-flight) sensor, voice commands, eye tracking and hand tracking.
Given, Qualcomm’s partnership with Samsung, it is possible that the new XR2+ Gen 2 Platform will be packed in the device. Additionally, since it is optimised for GenAI tasks, there might be inclusion of AI features as well.