Reliance is integrating its Google’s GamesSnacks portfolio of titles onto its gaming platform JioGames, the company announced on Monday. Titles from Google’s gaming service will be made available on the JioGames app and Jio set-top boxes (STBs) so users can enjoy HTML5 games like Daily Sudoku, Om Nom Run and Traffic Tom.
New games will then be added on a weekly basis on JioGames’ Android app and will eventually be launched on Jio STBs.
JioGames users can access all these games for free and just with an internet connection on their Android apps. Besides, these games can also be played on JioGames mini apps on MyJio and JioTV.
Reliance also plans to launch JioGames+, which will allow users to download games available on the service on their Android phones soon.
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GameSnacks is a gaming service that offers hundreds of lightweight, instantly loading HTML5 games across genres, and are best suited for low memory devices.