Intel, under the Make in India initiative, unveiled a wide array of laptops and IT products at the company’s India Tech Ecosystem Summit. The event demonstrated a diverse range of products developed by more than 10 ODMs, OEMs, and other ecosystem players.
The event, organised in Delhi, witnessed the unveiling of over 25 innovative products, including Banking on Wheels, Thin Clients, All-in-one clients, multifunctioning kiosks, and more.
Notable unveilings included locally manufactured servers powered by the 4th generation of Intel’s Xenon Scalable processors by Mega Networks and C-DAC’s high-performance compute server Rudra.
The event also provided a platform for matchmaking between government entities, enterprises, OEMs, local ecosystems, and several Taiwanese ODMs fostering domestic and international collaborations.
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“This comprehensive showcase featuring a vast array of locally designed and manufactured electronics and IT products signifies a shift beyond mere assembly to innovation and self-reliance, serving as a testament towards a future where India plays a substantial role in shaping cutting-edge technology on the global stage”, Santhosh Viswanathan, Vice President and Managing Director, India Region, Intel said.
The event also included distinguished speakers from the government and leading ecosystem players including Microsoft and Google who shared insights and perspectives on the future of technology in India.