Intel, on Thursday, launched its 13 Gen Core i9 13900KS processors with up to 6.0 GHz max turbo frequency out of the box. The latest processors come with 24 cores and 36MB Intel Smart cache for gaming and content creation workloads.
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The processors also come with Intel Thermal Velocity Boost, which allows it to reach 6.0 GHz without overclocking, Intel adaptive Boost, which allows higher multicore turbo frequencies, for improved gaming performance. Eight performance cores and 16 efficiency cores, 32 threads, 150W processor base power, and a total of 20PCLe lanes.
The processor, compatible with Z790 and Z690 motherboards with the latest BIOS recommended, also comes with support for up to DDR5 and DDR4 support.
“Extreme gamers and enthusiasts can now push their everyday performance further than ever before with the first desktop processor in the PC industry to provide 6.0 GHz speeds at stock,” Marcus Kennedy, Intel Client Computing Group manager, Gaming and Channel said.
The special edition processor will be available beginning Jan. 12, 2023, and will be available at retailers worldwide as a boxed processor and integrated into systems from Intel’s channel and OEM partners.