Google has joined hands with a gaming company Doublespeak Games to acquaint students in quantum computing by playing a game. The duo has developed ‘The Qubit Game’, which simulates challenges faced by quantum engineers in their daily work.
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The game is designed to get attention of students, and other enthusiasts, about the emerging world of quantum computing. It will be available to students along with other quantum learning tools, and can be played in a classroom environment.
“If you succeed, you’ll discover new upgrades for your in-game quantum computer, complete big research projects, and hopefully become a little more curious about how we’re building quantum computers,” Abe Asfaw, Head of Education, Google Quantum AI, said in a blog post.
Quantum computers are different from classical computers that compute in bits represented by 0s and 1s. Quantum computers compute in qubits to solve problems that cannot be understood by classical computers.
A higher qubit count can allow users to explore problems at a new level of complexity when undertaking experiments and running applications in areas spanning from the energy industry to new drug discovery process.
The worldwide quantum computing market is projected to grow from $412 million in 2020 to $8.6 billion in 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 50.9% over the 2021-2027 forecast period, according to a report by research firm IDC.