On Tuesday, former OpenAI co-founder and computer scientist Andrej Karpathy announced that he will be starting an AI education platform called Eureka Labs. In a post shared on X, Karpathy said that while a teacher will be tailoring the course on the platform, they will be aided by an AI teaching assistant to guide students through the learning material.
The startup’s first product is LLM101n, an undergraduate-level class that will help students train their own AI models. The AI system will “create, refine and illustrate little stories.”
Earlier in February this year, Karpathy announced his departure from ChatGPT-maker OpenAI, marking the end of his second stint there. Prior to working in OpenAI, Karpathy was the director of artificial intelligence at Tesla.
He was also among the founding members of the AI firm in 2015.
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Since quitting, he has been sharing YouTube tutorials around AI concepts which gained popularity. An instructional video of his on how to build an LLM from scratch has 4.5 million views currently.