During Apple’s launch event this year, along with the smartphones we saw the launch of three smartwatches, the Watch SE being the entry-level followed by Series 8 which we will be reviewing, and the Ultra version. The new Series 8 Watch is no different in terms of looks and design from the Watch 7. Still, it does come with some upgrades and new features like Crash detection, body temperature monitoring, and an upgraded Bluetooth version for fast and robust connectivity with the phone. Also, the new Series 8 is available in two size variants 41mm and 45 mm and we got the latter. The price of the 45mm (GPS) Apple Series 8 begins at ₹48,900.
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Throughout the years Apple Watches have retained their basic look, and with every new series, a few minor refinements have made their way as the latest Series 8 comes with a faster crown and the power button slimmer and infused in the rectangular dial. The Watch 8 holds the basic Apple Watch look that is becoming repetitive and boring. The crown serves the purpose of measuring ECG. On the back side of the Watch lies the sensors to monitor heart rate, temperature, and blood oxygen level. A speaker outlet can be spotted on the left side of the watch. Also, as seen previously in the Watch SE the strap on the Series 8 is also easy to attach and detach which we liked. The strap used by Apple is very good in keeping the weight of the dial distributed thoroughly on the wrist making it to wear throughout the day with ease. The new Series 8 Watch comes with IP6X certification making the watch resistive against dust and has WR50 water resistivity making the watch swim-proof. The company has designed the watch to be crack-resistant which we did not test.
As mentioned before, the 45mm variant offers quite a wide space. The same type of display is present in the Series 8 as well on the Watch SE which is a Retina LTPO OLED display with 1,000 nits of brightness level. The bezels on the screen are very thin which is something the new Series 8 has an advantage over Samsung Watch5 Pro offering a little wider space. Unlike Watch SE you get Always-on-display in the Series 8 which has its own pros and cons like allowing you to watch the content on the display instantly yet at the same time consuming more battery power. The visibility of the screen is very good, allowing you to watch any message or content on the screen quite comfortably even under bright daylight.
OS and Processor
Apple has used watchOS 9.0 for all three latest watches which launched this year. The processor remains the same which is the S8 present even in the Watch SE. The latest OS brings new smart features with it like customizable workout modes, a new interface, medication reminders, etc. The processor works very smoothly as you can feel when you scroll through the contents and the apps on the screen. The haptics are very profound, making sure that you do not miss any notifications received.
The integration between the watch and the phone is very strong as you get notifications instantly. The watch allows you to respond to texts, click on links and make/reject calls and if you have the eSIM card activated on the watch then you can make calls directly through the watch without outsourcing from the phone.
The watch comes with 32GB of internal storage which allows you to store your favorite music and photos which you can directly access on the watch.
New on Series 8 Watch
Apple has unveiled its smart Crash detection feature, which determines whether you’ve been in a car collision using a three-axis Gyroscope, a new G-force Accelerometer, a microphone, a Barometer, GPS, and an advanced sensor-fusion algorithm. It makes emergency calls to the nearest service in case of any crash accident.
The company has also included a new temperature sensor on the back side of the watch. This new feature is mostly useful for women to track their cycles and predict them. The temperature sensor is also used to track sleep activities and determine what affects your sleep.
Health features
The new Apple Series 8 Watch comes with Blood Oxygen Monitoring and the ECG feature which was absent in Watch SE. The usual Heart rate monitoring feature is available as well which alerts you in case there is any deviation in the heartbeat pattern. Sleep tracking is more advanced now in the Series 8 watch as it shows you how much time you spent in REM, Core, or Deep sleep, as well as when you might have woken up. There are various fitness modes present on the watch which detect your activities when you are working out and give suggestions.
The calling on the Series 8 Watch is very good and while reviewing it we really liked making calls through the watch. The sounds produced are very clear and loud and the person on the other side was able to hear us and understand us very clearly. The only thing you need to take into consideration while making calls through the watch is to keep it close to your mouth for better clarity.
The new Series 8 Watch is capable of lasting 16-18 hours with normal usage which is something the company needs to work on as its competitor offers advanced battery life. One can prolong the battery lasting by using the low power mode which makes the watch last around 36 hours. In terms of battery power, we liked what Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro is offering.
The new Apple Series 8 Watch takes on the mantle of being a true update of Series 7 quite comfortably with several new features. The watch checks in on every necessary feature required to make the watch a complete smartwatch. Everything is smartly aligned except the battery life which needs some work as we would like to see a battery life of 2-3 days in the upcoming Apple watches. Some design changes to the dial will be appreciated, perhaps next year.
Published - October 31, 2022 05:43 pm IST