Ookla in its latest mobile performance report shared that Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro Max no longer holds the top spot for fastest download speeds amongst smartphones, losing the top spot to competitors like Samsung’s S22 and Google’s Pixel 7 Pro.
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While the iPhone 14 Pro Max earned the top spot for speed in Q3 with a median of 147 Mbps download speed and 17 Mbps upload speed, it is no longer the case.
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 is now in the top spot with 147.24 Mbps median download speeds and the Pixel 7 Pro holds the second spot with 137.11 Mbps while the iPhone 14 Pro Max came in third with 133.84 and the Pro logged 130.14 Mbps.
And while upload speeds and latency were very close, the Pixel 7 Pro with its 15.53 Mbps for uploads and 50 ms latency led the way.
Interestingly the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 won with the same performance figures that were earlier seen in the iPhone 14 Pro Max. And though the exact reason behind the drop in download and upload speeds in Apple’s flagship is not clear, a higher concentration of the device in metro areas may be one of the reasons.
However, it should be noted that despite the drop in download speeds, Apple’s flagship along with the Samsung and Google devices continues to offer strong download speeds with a median performance between 125 and 147 Mbps as per Ookla’s test.