The COVID-19 National Task Force of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Sunday issued revised clinical guidelines for the management of adult COVID-19 patients.
As per the new guidelines, convalescent plasma therapy and drugs, including lopinavir-ritonavir, molnupiravir, favipiravir, azithromycin and doxycycline, are not to be used for treatment.
“Antibiotics should not be used unless there is clinical suspicion of bacterial infection. The possibility of co-infection of COVID-19 with other endemic infections must be considered. Systemic corticosteroids are not indicated in mild disease,” the revised guidelines said.
Physical distancing, indoor mask use, hand hygiene, symptomatic management (hydration, anti-pyretics, antitussive), monitoring temperature and oxygen saturation (with pulse oximeters) is vital, the task force says, while adding that it is important to stay in contact with treating physician.
Patients are advised to seek immediate medical attention if there is difficulty breathing, high-grade fever/ severe cough, particularly if lasting for more than five days.