The world’s domestic and international tourism industry contributes to 8% of the global greenhouse gas emissions — about four times greater than previously estimated — scientists, including one of Indian origin, have found.
Small islands attract a disproportionate share of carbon emissions, considering their small populations, through international arrivals, while the U.S. is responsible for the majority of tourism-generated emissions overall, the study, which took an year-and-a-half to complete, found.
The team led by researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia found the global comprehensive tourism footprint of tourism-related greenhouse gas emissions is about four times greater than previous estimates, and is growing faster than international trade and is already responsible for almost a tenth of global GHGs. The researchers recommend financial and technical assistance could help share burdens such as global warming on winter sports, sea-level rise on low-lying islands and pollution impacts on exotic and vulnerable destinations.
Published - May 08, 2018 09:53 pm IST