• Nest boxes are not fancy contraptions. A simple cardboard box or spare wood will do, between six and 12 inches. The smaller the box, the cosier it is for the birds. It must not emit any strong odours.
  • Then, make a hole the size of a five year old’s bangle, around the middle of the box, or slightly higher than that. You can insert a pencil or wooden dowel near the bottom on either side so the birds can stand near the hole and feed their chicks.
  • Tape the box around for longevity. Place the box at a height, away from direct sunlight, and near a bowl of water, shallow enough for the little birds to take a dip without the fear of drowning.
  • Leave it undisturbed. Sparrows know how to keep their homes clean.
  • Make two boxes at least to give the birds a choice, and maintain a minimum distance of five feet between them. Sparrows are territorial and could get in fights, if their homes are too close.
  • - Haresh Chugani