The Union Agriculture Ministry has launched a digital geo-spatial platform, Krishi-Decision Support System (DSS) in New Delhi on Friday (August 16, 2024), which will share real-time data-driven insights on weather patterns, soil conditions, crop health, crop acreage and advisories with all stakeholders — such as farmers, experts and policymakers.
The Ministry said the system was “a significant milestone” in the country’s agricultural innovation landscape.
Minister of State for Agriculture Bhagirath Choudhary and Union Agriculture Secretary Devesh Chaturvedi were present at the event. The Ministry said Krishi-DSS was a first-of-its-kind geospatial platform specifically designed for Indian agriculture.
The platform provides seamless access to comprehensive data, including satellite images, weather information, reservoir storage, groundwater levels and soil health information, which can be easily accessed from anywhere at any time.
Krishi-DSS includes several advanced modules designed to support comprehensive agricultural management. “With crop mapping and monitoring, we will be able to understand cropping patterns by analysing parcel-level crop maps over the different years. This information helps in understanding crop rotation practices and promotes sustainable agriculture by encouraging the cultivation of diverse crops,” the Ministry said.
Drought monitoring
The DSS can also be helpful in drought monitoring and it will provide near real-time information on various indicators, i.e. soil moisture, water storage, crop condition, dry spells, etc., and will inform the stakeholders about how weather is impacting the crops, crop harvest status, crop residue burning, etc.
“From flood impact assessment to crop insurance solutions and many more, Krishi-DSS is a holistic solution. It’s about empowering our farmers, informing our policies, and nourishing our nation,” the Ministry said.
Meanwhile, Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan held a meeting with the employees and officers of all levels of the Ministries of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Rural Development. He took a pledge to fulfill the vision given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for agriculture and rural development and asked the employees to put in all their efforts and hard work to fulfill the road map for 2047 and the resolutions for a developed India.