The verdict by the International Court of Justice, which was announced in favour of Mumbai resident Kulbhushan Jadhav, was greeted with jubilant celebration across the city. Minutes after news of the verdict landed, his family members expressed happiness and hope.
“The Indian government has presented our side very well and Wednesday’s verdict is a very positive one. Even though none of us will rest easy till Kulbhushan actually comes home, the efforts taken by the government so far inspire hope and we are nothing but thankful to the government for it,” Mr. Jadhav’s uncle, Subhash Jadhav, a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), said.
Several of Mr. Jadhav’s childhood friends, who live in the Prithvi Vandan society in Lower Parel, greeted the verdict by releasing balloons in the air.
The son of a retired ACP, Mr. Jadhav grew up in the police quarters in the same lane as the building, and many of the residents have been praying for his release ever since he was caught.
One of his childhood friends, Sachin Kale, said, “Once again, we have won. Pakistan has no sense of legal proceedings but justice is still being done. We are very happy that our prayers are being heard.” The sentiment was echoed by all of Mr. Jadhav's other friends, including Arvind Singh, Jitendra Shah, Sunil Singh, Shubash Deshmane and Tushar Shingte.
Night-long celebration
“We will be celebrating the whole night and soon, when Mr Jadhav is back with us, we will celebrate with him as well,” Mr. Singh said.
An official with the Coast Guard School in Powai, where Mr. Jadhav’s children study, spoke highly of Mr. Jadhav. “He is truly a very congenial man and none of us believes that he would do any of the things that he is accused of,” the official said.
Residents of Javli village in Satara, where Mr. Jadhav hails from, were happy. “The Indian government should get him released at any cost. It is their responsibility,” a villager said.
(With inputs from
Gautam S. Mengle)
Published - July 17, 2019 10:40 pm IST