As curtains come down on the Lok Sabha polls, BJP’s prime ministerial nominee Narendra Modi declared the voters as “the undisputed winners” for coming out and voting in such large numbers.
Looking back the elections, Mr. Modi in his blog set out to thank the Election Commission for conducting “this mammoth exercise”. Incidentally, it was Mr. Modi who had earlier accused the EC of not being able to put a stop to rigging and booth capturing.
“This is the right time to look ahead. It is a time to connect with each other. Let’s place people over politics, hope over despair, healing over hurting, inclusion over exclusion and development over divisiveness. It is natural for the spirit of bi-partisanship to get temporarily lost in the midst of an election campaign but now is the time to resurrect it," he said.
He said history will remember 2014 Elections as “historic and marking a paradigm shift” from conventional electioneering. “What makes me very happy is the fact that the NDA remained firm on their agenda of development and good governance,” he wrote.
He thanked the social media for causing the “downfall of manufactured lies and half-truths” and said: “…this has been a hard-fought election. It had it joyous moments and there were heated moments as well. Now is the time to put the heat and dust of campaign behind and look ahead. Irrespective of who wins on the 16th, the dreams of a billion Indians should not suffer. Yes, as political parties and candidates we have differing ideologies but our goal is one- to work for India and to fulfil the aspirations of our youth.”
Thanking the security forces who have travelled with him or before to the various rallies for security arrangements, Mr. Modi said: “If Narendra Modi could address so many rallies and meet so many people, a lot of credit goes to them.”
Published - May 12, 2014 08:49 pm IST