Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday visited flood affected parts of Balrampur and Shravasti districts apart from conducting an aerial survey to gather information about the extent of the floods. Mr. Adityanath directed senior State government officials to expedite the delivery of relief materials to affected people.
In his field visit of flood affected villages, the U.P. CM interacted with children and women impacted by the disaster and monitored the distribution of relief materials. He also handed over cheques of ₹four lakh each to families who had lost their loved ones due to the floods.
In his address to the flood victims, Mr. Adityanath informed that immediate assistance is being provided to the families of farmers and sharecroppers who lost their lives due to various disasters, including human-wildlife conflict, snake bites, and lightning strikes.
He added that 923 flood outposts are established across U.P. to monitor flood situation amid 12 districts in the state being affected by floods, impacting 633 villages across 33 tehsils, with a total affected population of approximately 17.97 lakhs. The floods have affected more than 1.45 lakh hectares of agricultural land including over 18,000 cattle.