Tribal villagers from Maisampet, Rampur and Mallial located in the core area of Kawal Tiger Reserve (KTR) on Wednesday staged a protest at Jannaram, the headquarters of the tiger park, seeking relocation of their villages.
About 50 Adivasis from these villages took out a rally and submitted a memorandum to KTR Jannaram Deputy Director B. Ravinder.
The mood of the villagers made it evident that they are anxious to move out of the core area as soon as possible given the handsome relocation package on offer. “We do not want leaders and others interfering in our matters,” asserted Arka Sitabai from Maisampet referring to the objections being raised in some quarters over the issue.
“We will see development only when we move out of the forest,” Atram Dev Rao, also from Maisampet, opined as he handed over the representation to Mr. Ravinder. “We are facing the disadvantages of living far too inside a forest for the last 70 years,” he added.
It may be stated here that the villagers had visited some of the habitations which were relocated from the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in neighbouring Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Now, the tribal people here too want such a package for themselves.
We do not want leaders and others interfering in our matters, says Arka Sitabai from Maisampet village
Published - December 24, 2015 12:00 am IST