Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Monday directed officials concerned to begin works on establishing the proposed skill university on a war footing.
Officials as well as entrepreneurs should come up with clear proposals for the university two days before the commencement of the budget session in the Assembly towards the month end. The government is ready to take a decision on establishing the university within 24 hours of the proposal submission, he said.
He issued the directions while holding a meeting convened to elicit suggestions of the industry on the skill university at Engineering Staff College of India here. Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Minister for Industries and IT D. Sridhar Babu and industrialists from various sectors participated in the meeting.
CM in favour of establishing the university on ESCI campus
The Chief Minister was in favour of establishing the university on ESCI campus, given its proximity to the IT hub and other industrial centres. The meeting discussed the constitution of a board on the lines of the ISB to manage the affairs of the proposed skill university. The Chief Minister said the participants of the meeting could be taken as members of the board for the time being.
Mr. Revanth Reddy wanted a study into different aspects such as courses, curriculum and the skill sets needed to make youth job ready. The objective of establishing the university was to ensure that youth were trained in modern technologies and skills.
He suggested that the industry could discuss funding for the university with Mr. Bhatti Vikramarka while Mr. Sridhar Babu could be consulted over the curriculum and courses. The process should be time bound and meetings be held once every five days, as there were only 15 days left.
He wanted the officials and industry representatives to examine options such as establishing the university in a public-private-partnership mode, making it a state-run institution, or any other mode that ensured its efficient functioning.
Steps should be taken to appoint a reputable consultant to prepare the proposals and project reports with the help of experts in the domain. The Industries Department would function as the nodal agency to manage the affairs of the skill university.
The Chief Minister also inspected the ongoing works of the convention centre being constructed at ESCI and enquired about the facilities being provided there.