Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy and Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence in New Delhi on Thursday. The meeting concluded in the afternoon. They met Union Home Minister Amit Shah too.
Earlier, the Chief Minister and the Deputy CM met Mr. Modi in December, 2023, a few weeks after forming the government in Telangana. Back then, they had requested the centre to take steps for the fulfillment of assurances given to Telangana in the AP Reorganisation Act 2014.
Two months later, the Chief Minister shared the dias with the Prime Minister at a programme held in Adilabad in March-2024. Mr. Reddy later met Mr. Modi seeking his intervention in convincing neighbouring Maharashtra, about land acquisition and water sharing between the two States, for taking up Tummidihatti lift irrigation project.