Around 6,000 more people in Telangana may be diagnosed with cancer in 2025 compared to figures in 2020. While 47,620 people were projected to have cancer in 2020, the incidence in 2025 is estimated to be 53,565, which means 12.48% (5,945) more might get cancer in the five-year period.
This has alarmed oncologists from the State, who have appealed to people to take measures to prevent the disease, loss of lives, and financial and emotional distress associated with it.
The projections are from the ‘Profile of Cancer and Related Factors-Telangana’ released by the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in the fourth week of September.
Fact sheet
Apart from the projected increase in cancer cases, it has details on the leading sites of cancer in men and women, cumulative risk of developing cancer of any site in 0-74 years of age group in both the genders, proportion of cancer sites associated with tobacco usage, and other aspects.
The cumulative risk, leading sites of cancer and proportion of cancers in sites associated with tobacco use are based on data from 2014-16 and calculated for the Population Based Cancer Registry (PBCR) areas.
PBCR is located at the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences. Principal investigator at PBCR Dr. G. Sadashivudu said that the data is taken from all cancer institutes and labs in Hyderabad, which conduct diagnostic tests for the disease.
And data for Hospital Based Cancer Registry is drawn from NIMS, Indo-American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, MNJ Institute of Oncology and Regional Cancer Centre.
Main sites
An important observation from the fact sheet is that the leading site for cancer among women is breast (35.5%), followed by cervix uteri (8.7%), and ovary (6.9%). In case of men, the leading site of cancer is mouth (13.3%), followed by lungs (10.9%), and tongue (7.9%).
Risk factors
One needs to be aware of the factors associated with risk of developing cancer to know what should be avoided, and aspects of life that need to be changed. The fact sheet states that behavioural and environmental risk factors are tobacco and alcohol use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, obesity, infections, and air pollution.
Dr. Sadashivudu, who is also the Head of the oncology department at NIMS, said that since 42.2% of cancer risk in men, and 13.5% of risk in women is associated with tobacco use, avoiding tobacco might help in preventing cancer.
“Diagnosing cancers in early stages helps in better outcomes and cure. So, early screening is important. People can stop cancer by exercising, opting healthy food, avoiding alcohol and tobacco,” he suggested.
Published - October 06, 2021 11:30 pm IST