The Hyderabad Cyber Crimes police arrested a photographer for creating and sharing morphed video involving Mayor of Hyderabad City Vijayalaxmi Gadwaland Telangana Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar on social media platforms.
Chamakuri Laxman, 29, a resident of Peerzadiguda of Hyderabad was detained after he created a X (formerly Twitter) handle with name @nijamenayya1 and shared a morphed image of the Mayor and Minister waiting at the premises of the Balkampet Yellamma Temple during Bonalu with a background song from a Telugu movie. The video was also circulated on other social media platforms.
Notices were served to the nodal authorities of all the social media handles and based on the information shared by them the man was traced and arrested. “His mobile phone and other incriminating material have been seized and sent to Telangana Forensics Science Laboratory for further examination,” Cyber Crimes Inspector K. Madhulatha said.
The accused was produced in the ACMM Court for judicial remand and will be taken into custody for eliciting further information like previous history, involvement of other accused and motive behind the offence among others, the official said.