The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police Station has busted three separate fraud rings operating from Gujarat, resulting in the arrest of seven key individuals. Officials said that these gangs were collectively involved in 983 online fraud cases across India, including investment frauds, trading frauds, FedEx courier frauds and KYC frauds.
In the first case, a group of three accused from Rajkot, Gujarat, identified as Chudasama Kuldeepsingh Anopsingh, Jedeja Daivatsinh Kiritsinh, Sinojiya Ketan Sureshbhai, were apprehended for defrauding a victim of ₹2 crore through an online investment scam. The accused lured victims with promises of high returns on a fake trading platform.
In the second case, Kanani Nikunj Kishorebhai and Pravinbhai Kalubhai Vasoya, from Surat, Gujarat, were arrested for a phishing scam that targeted a retired person from Hyderabad. The accused convinced the victim to invest in a fake trading app, defrauding them of ₹60,88,730.
The third case involved two accused, Sagar Goradhanbhai Prajapati and Parmar Kirit Nathubhai, from Gujarat who impersonated Mumbai Police officers to extort money from a senior citizen. The victims were threatened with arrest and shown fake legal documents, leading them to transfer ₹1.60 crore to the fraudsters.
The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police have recovered ₹10.08 lakh in cash, gold ornaments, cheque books, debit cards, passbooks, mobile phones and SIM cards. However, the total amount of money lost by the victims is still being investigated.