Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has reiterated that the Congress government was proactive towards the employees and was prepared to hold meetings with employees unions to resolve their issues.
The Deputy Chief Minister gave the assurance to the representatives of Telangana Employees Joint Action Committee who called on him at the State Secretariat on Wednesday. The JAC members submitted a representation outlining 39 major demands of the employees, including release of four instalments of dearness allowance, implementation of pay revision commission recommendations, implementation of 51% fitment benefit, issue of health cards and cancellation of e-Kuber system.
The JAC wanted the State government to ensure that employees who were transferred during the elections be brought back to their earlier stations and resolve pending issues pertaining to GO 317 besides reinstating the employees joint staff council. Responding to their demands, Mr. Bhatti Vikramarka said the government was positive towards the employees and was ready to hold negotiations with them for resolution of their issues.
Published - September 04, 2024 07:24 pm IST