Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, also the Energy and Finance Minister, has asked the authorities of Telangana Power Generation Corporation Ltd (TG-Genco) to take measures for hydro-electric generation at all projects wherever the facility is available and excess water is being discharged.
In a meeting with the chief engineers of power generation projects of Genco held here on Saturday, he told them to maintain coal stocks required for power generation at least for 17 days in all thermal power plants. He instructed them to send him reports on power generation in all projects or plants once a week.
He asked all those working for the power utilities to keep in mind that they are working for people 24×7 to ensure quality power supply to all categories of consumers. He assured that he was ready to learn about their problems, if any, and resolve them.
Mr. Vikramarka stated that the delay in making timely decisions had led to technical issues in hydel generation at Srisailam, Jurala and other projects. He stated that such mistakes would not be repeated.
Principal Secretary (Finance) Sandeep Kumar Sultania, Joint MD of TG-Transco C. Srinivasa Rao, OSD (Energy) to Deputy CM Surender Reddy, directors of TG-Genco, and chief engineers of generation plants participated in the meeting.
For the record, Jurala, Lower Jurala, Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar hydel projects have generated 235.83 million units of energy in July and 316.67 million units from August 1-9 at Jurala, Srisailam, Nagarjunasagar, Pulichintala, NS Left Canal, Sriramsagar and Palair Mini Hydro projects.