A tense calm prevailed in Asifabad’s Jainoor a day after a communal riot broke out on Wednesday. The riot in the area was followed by the news about an alleged rape of a tribal woman.
A DSP rank officer from Kagaznagar has been appointed to oversee the investigation of the alleged sexual assault. “We are awaiting the medical report of the woman. The case will be tried in a fast track court after a thorough investigation,” he said.
An officer from Hyderabad, deployed in the district, said that about 1,000 police personnel are deployed to ensure peace in the area. “Orders for curfew under Section 163 of the BNSS, along with ban on internet, will stay in effect till the situation is totally under control,” said DGP Jitender.
“Stakeholder consultation and confidence building measures are being undertaken. Rapid Action Force (RAF) and other forces have conducted the flag march,” he said.
ADG of Law and Order Mahesh Bhagwat and IGP Chandrashekar are co-ordinating and monitoring the situation.
Speaking about the situation, Mr. Bhagwat said that things are under control with the help of heavy police deployment. “No injuries have been reported in the riot. However, both parties sustained heavy property damage, including vehicles and commercial establishments. A DSP rank officer will be appointed to access and proceed with the investigation further,” he said.
Published - September 05, 2024 07:50 pm IST