Telangana BJP will officially relaunch the membership drive, which was put off due to recent heavy rains and the resultant devastation, to September 8. But the party has claimed to have managed to attract as many as 1.85 lakh new members through website, Namo app and others. This is said to be a highest in South India with Karnataka coming second at 1.82 lakh.
Former MLC and senior leader N. Ramchander Rao informed on Wednesday that with Prime Minister Narendra Modi launching the programme on September 2 in New Delhi, many enthusiastic supporters of the party have enrolled themselves voluntarily in TG.
The effort from now on will be to convert at least 50% of the 78 lakh voters who had supported the party during the Parliament elections into its fold. “We have 11.87 lakh members as on 2019 in TG. Our aim is to increase the number to about 50 lakh at roughly 200 voters per booth. We have booth committees in all the 30,000 booths and workshops were conducted at every level — district to mandal to booth, to train them on attracting new members,” he said.
Mr. Rao said the party will not only focus on those who have voted for the party during the Lok Sabha polls to convince them to become members, but will also target those who had not voted for the party by explaining about the work done by the Modi government in the social and development sectors as well as for adhering to its manifesto.
“We are targeting people from all walks of life irrespective of their background and especially professionals like doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, lawyers and even first generation voters. We will be meeting the respective professional organisations, caste organisations and colony associations once we begin our household contact programme next week. Our aim is to become an alternative to the Congress,” he said.
Published - September 04, 2024 08:17 pm IST