Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman instructed the public sector insurance companies to ensure speedy settlement of claims by organising special camps and easing the claim processes thereby providing relief to the flood-affected people in Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Telangana.
Union Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Shivraj Singh Chouhan stressed the need for long-term planning to tackle more severe floods likely to be caused by the Krishna River at Prakasam Barrage in Vijayawada in the future, given the perilous situation which the city has gone through in a span of 48 hours.
Also Read:Telangana, Andhra Pradesh rains highlights on September 5, 2024
Telangana Irrigation Minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy has directed the department officials to take steps to immediately invite tenders for repair and restoration of tanks and canals which suffered damages due to the recent heavy rains. In addition to damaged tanks and canals, steps should be taken to complete the tender process for restoration of partially damaged water bodies.
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