Minister for Transport P. Mahender Reddy along with Finance Minister Etala Rajender, Zilla Parishad chairperson Tula Uma, local legislator Gangula Kamalakar, Mayor S. Ravinder Singh formally flagged city bus services in Karimnagar on Monday.
The Union Government had sanctioned 70 buses under the Jawarharlal Nehru National Urban Renewable Mission (JNNURM) scheme to Karimnagar district, including 50 buses for Karimnagar, and 20 buses for Ramagundam two years ago. In the first phase, the authorities launched 17 JNNURM buses in the city, which would be operated on two routes.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Mahender Reddy said that they would modernise the existing RTC bus station complex by providing all facilities for the commuters and also install CC cameras. He said that the department is operating 500 new buses from Hyderabad to all district headquarters.
Mr. Etala Rajender said that the State Government is taking all measures for the protection of TSRTC from incurring losses. Karimnagar legislator Gangula Kamalakar said that they would operate city bus services on all the routes covering more outskirt villages to benefit commuters visiting Karimnagar.
Collector Neetu Prasad, Superintendent of Police D. Joel Davis and others were also present.
Published - January 12, 2016 12:00 am IST