As many as 19 lorry drivers were booked and a fine of ₹4.85 lakh was imposed during surprise checks conducted by officials from the Hyderabad unit of Vigilance and Enforcement, Mines and Road Transport Authority (RTA).
The checks were conducted at Medak junction on the Dundigal Cross Road on the intervening night of July 26 and 27. Lorries transporting materials including robo sand, bricks, and 20 mm stone chips were under the radar.
Among the 19, 10 cases were for overloading, three for operating without a permit, three for lacking vehicle fitness certificates, two cases for drivers without a valid driving licence and one for non-payment of road tax.
Eight lorry drivers were also booked for transporting stone metal and bricks without the necessary permits. A total of 12 lorries were seized by the officials.
Published - July 28, 2024 06:34 am IST