The Tamil Nadu government has sanctioned funds to the tune of ₹2,187.8 crore, towards implementing the announcement made by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami in the State Legislative Assembly that cash support of ₹1,000 and essential commodities would be distributed to each of the eligible ration card holders across the State, as part of measures to mitigate the effect of the shut down on account of COVID-19.
According to a government order issued few hours after the CM’s announcement in the House on Tuesday, ₹2,014.69 crore has been earmarked towards distributing cash assistance and ₹173.1 crore has been allocated for supplying essential commodities through Public Distribution System (PDS) shops.
“To reduce overcrowding at fair price shop, the token system shall be adopted for the issue of cash support of ₹1,000 and the issue of essential commodities free of cost during April,” it stated.
All eligible ration cards are eligible for cash assistance of ₹1,000 and essential supplies such as rice, tur dal or Canadian yellow lentil, RBD palmolein oil and sugar, free during April. As per figures available with the Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection, the total number of rice cards in circulation are 2,01,46,993, as on March 24.
“In case of beneficiaries who do not want to avail the cash support of ₹1,000 and commodities issued at free of cost, they can register their option on the website ( or mobile app (tnepds app) by indicating their card number, which will automatically lock PDS data systems in respect of benefits to the registered persons,” the order stated.
Family cardholders, who have not obtained PDS commodities for March may get their PDS commodities in April. The Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation has been appointed a nodal agency for the distribution of cash support and commodities.
While District Collectors would be fully responsible for the implementation and distribution of the cash support to all rice cardholders well in advance, the Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department would be responsible for its implementation as well as for Chennai district. (EOM) DSJ
Published - March 25, 2020 11:48 am IST