Tamil Nadu, during the month of July, realised such a heavy quantity of Cauvery water that it got not only its quota for the month and August but also much more.
During July 1-31, the State received 96.5 thousand million cubic feet (tmc ft) of water, thanks to heavy rainfall in the catchments of the river in Karnataka and Kerala. In June, it got 2.25 tmc ft against the stipulated 9.19 tmc ft. Totally, in the last two months, Tamil Nadu recorded nearly 98.8 tmc ft against the quota of 40.43 tmc ft.
For the month of July, Tamil Nadu is to get 31.24 tmc ft and for August, 45.95 tmc ft. As per the final award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal, as modified by the Supreme Court in February 2018, Tamil Nadu is to get 177.25 tmc ft in a water year, beginning from June, A monthly schedule has been drawn up for Karnataka to ensure the realisation of Tamil Nadu’s share of water at Billigundlu, on the inter-State border.
In view of the prescribed quantity of 123.14 tmc ft for the period of June-September, Tamil Nadu was about 25 tmc ft short of the figure as on July 31. But, if the current heavy flow in the river was any indication, even this quantity would have been realised by the State in the last two days.
Only in the early part of July, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka were battling it out over shortage of water and all-party meetings were held, reiterating the respective position of the States.
Meanwhile, farmers in the Cauvery delta of Tamil Nadu, without depending on the Cauvery water from the Mettur dam, raised paddy crop to the extent of 3.21 lakh acres as on July 29 during the Kuruvai cultivation season. However, since July 28, water is being released from the dam, in view of heavy flows. On Friday morning, the inflow to the dam was 1.71 lakh cusecs while the discharge to the river was nearly 1.68 lakh cusecs.
Of about 3.21 lakh acres, Thanjavur district accounts for around 1.09 lakh acres; Mayiladuthurai - about 94,000 acres; Tiruvarur 78,000 acres and Cuddalore - 24,000 acres. This has all become possible thanks to groundwater, filter points and the free electricity scheme for farmers.
Published - August 02, 2024 02:05 pm IST