Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Monday launched the distribution of the Pongal gift hamper, including ₹1,000 in cash, to the 2.19 crore rice ration cardholders and Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in rehabilitation camps in the State.
During an event at Sathya Nagar, Mr. Stalin also launched the distribution of free dhotis and saris to the beneficiaries.
Minister for Municipal Administration and Water Supply K.N. Nehru, Minister for Higher Education K. Ponmudy, Minister for Agriculture M.R.K. Panneerselvam, Revenue Minister K.K.S.S.R. Ramachandran, Cooperation Minister KR. Periakaruppan, Food Minister R. Sakkarapani, Textiles Minister R. Gandhi, Minister for Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments P.K. Sekarbabu, Mayor of Greater Chennai Corporation R. Priya and senior officials were also present.
Published - January 09, 2023 08:13 pm IST