Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday said that while the number of women directors in active companies had grown three-fold in the last decade in the country, in Tamil Nadu, it witnessed a four-fold increase.
In Tamil Nadu, there are around 68,000 women directors associated with active companies in August 2024, as against 15,550 in 2014. Whereas in India, there are 8.83 lakh women directors associated with active companies in August 2024, compared to 2.58 lakh in 2014, she pointed out, at an event organised by FICCI FLO, Chennai.
Highlighting the role of women in the judiciary, she said: “There are two women judges on the Supreme Court Bench. And 106 women judges are working in various High Courts. The Madras High Court has 11 women judges.”
‘Investments rising’
The investments being made by women are also increasing. The share of women in Indian Mutual Funds’ assets under management (AUM) has increased from 15.2% in 2017 to 21% in 2023. More women from smaller towns are investing, Ms. Sitharaman added. Quoting a study by Axis Mutual Fund (July 2024), she pointed out that women were now making their own decisions on investments.
She further said that over one crore rural women had been empowered to become ‘Lakhpati Didis’ (women with annual earnings of ₹1 lakh and above) through skilling of self-help groups’ members in plumbing, LED bulb making, and operation of drones, among others. “Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are made in cottage industries by women,” she said, adding that this year’s Union Budget had several initiatives for women in the workforce.
The Union Budget has several initiatives for women in the workforce, she added.
Published - September 05, 2024 12:47 am IST